displayHead( 'Example' ); require_once 'patForms.php'; require_once 'patErrorManager.php'; echo '

	// element definitions for this example
	$elementsDefinition = array(
		'username' => array(
			'type' => 'RadioGroup',
			'attributes' => array(
				'required'		=>	'yes',
				'display'		=>	'yes',
				'edit'			=>	'yes',
				'label'			=>	'Area',
				'title'			=>	'Area',
				'description'	=>	'Choose the area to access here.',
				'position'		=>	'3',
				'clicklabel'	=>	'yes',
				'default'		=>	'a03',
				'values'		=>	array(
						'label'	=>	'Very pretty area',
						'value'	=>	'a01',
						'label'	=>	'No-nonsense area',
						'value'	=>	'a02',
						'label'	=>	'Argh-area',
						'value'	=>	'a03',

	// create the form
	$form	=&	patForms::createForm( $elementsDefinition, array( 'name' => 'myForm' ) );

	// create the needed renderer
	$renderer	=&	patForms::createRenderer( "Array" );

	// set the renderer
	$form->setRenderer( $renderer );

	// use auto-validation
	$form->setAutoValidate( 'save' );

	// serialize the elements
	$elements	=	$form->renderForm();

	// ERROR DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------
	// ask the form if it has been submitted and display errors. For
	// convenience and also to keep the examples easy to understand, all
	// the following examples will use teh helper methods of the examples
	// framework to display the errors and the form.
	if( $form->isSubmitted() )
		displayErrors( $form ); // see patExampleGen/customFunctions.php

	// DISPLAY FORM ------------------------------------------------------
	displayForm( $form, $elements ); // see patExampleGen/customFunctions.php

	// EXAMPLE END ------------------------------------------------------

	echo '
' . wordwrap(htmlentities(print_r($form->getElement('username')->serialize(), true)), 200);