--TEST-- Log: _extractMessage() [Zend Engine 2.0] --SKIPIF-- =")) die('skip'); ?> --INI-- date.timezone=UTC --FILE-- '%2$s [%3$s] %4$s'); $logger = Log::singleton('console', '', 'ident', $conf); /* Logging a regular string. */ $logger->log('String'); /* Logging a bare object. */ class BareObject {} $logger->log(new BareObject()); /* Logging an object with a getMessage() method. */ class GetMessageObject { function getMessage() { return "getMessage"; } } $logger->log(new GetMessageObject()); /* Logging an object with a toString() method. */ class ToStringObject { function toString() { return "toString"; } } $logger->log(new ToStringObject()); /* Logging an object with a __toString() method using casting. */ class CastableObject { function __toString() { return "__toString"; } } $logger->log(new CastableObject()); /* Logging a PEAR_Error object. */ require_once 'PEAR.php'; $logger->log(new PEAR_Error('PEAR_Error object', 100)); /* Logging an array. */ $logger->log(array(1, 2, 'three' => 3)); /* Logging an array with scalar 'message' keys. */ $logger->log(array('message' => 'Message Key')); $logger->log(array('message' => 50)); /* Logging an array with a non-scalar 'message' key. */ $logger->log(array('message' => array(1, 2, 3))); --EXPECT-- ident [info] String ident [info] BareObject::__set_state(array( )) ident [info] getMessage ident [info] toString ident [info] Object id #2 ident [info] PEAR_Error object ident [info] array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 2, 'three' => 3, ident [info] Message Key ident [info] 50 ident [info] array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 2, 2 => 3, )