--TEST-- XML_Util::createStartElement() basic tests --CREDITS-- Chuck Burgess # created for v1.2.0a1 2008-05-04 --FILE-- "bar") ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "TEST: tag only, passing '' as attribute arg" . PHP_EOL; echo XML_Util::createStartElement( 'myNs:myTag', '' ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "TEST: tag with attributes and namespace" . PHP_EOL; echo XML_Util::createStartElement( "myNs:myTag", array("foo" => "bar"), "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#" ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "TEST: tag with empty attributes, whose namespaceUri is not a full namespace" . PHP_EOL; echo XML_Util::createStartElement( 'myTag', '', 'foo' ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, and multiline = true" . PHP_EOL; echo XML_Util::createStartElement( "myNs:myTag", array("foo" => "bar"), "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#", true ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, multiline = true, and indent = (2 spaces only)" . PHP_EOL; echo XML_Util::createStartElement( "myNs:myTag", array("foo" => "bar"), "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#", true, ' ' ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, multiline = true, indent = (2 spaces only), and linebreak = '^'" . PHP_EOL; echo XML_Util::createStartElement( "myNs:myTag", array("foo" => "bar"), "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#", true, ' ', '^' ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, multiline = true, indent = (2 spaces only), linebreak = '^', and sortAttributes = true" . PHP_EOL; echo XML_Util::createStartElement( "myNs:myTag", array("foo" => "bar", "boo" => "baz"), "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#", true, ' ', '^', true ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, multiline = true, indent = (2 spaces only), linebreak = '^', and sortAttributes = false" . PHP_EOL; echo XML_Util::createStartElement( "myNs:myTag", array("foo" => "bar", "boo" => "baz"), "http://www.w3c.org/myNs#", true, ' ', '^', false ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; ?> --EXPECT-- =====XML_Util::createStartElement() basic tests===== TEST: tag only TEST: tag with attributes TEST: tag only, passing '' as attribute arg TEST: tag with attributes and namespace TEST: tag with empty attributes, whose namespaceUri is not a full namespace TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, and multiline = true TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, multiline = true, and indent = (2 spaces only) TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, multiline = true, indent = (2 spaces only), and linebreak = '^' TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, multiline = true, indent = (2 spaces only), linebreak = '^', and sortAttributes = true TEST: tag with attributes, namespace, multiline = true, indent = (2 spaces only), linebreak = '^', and sortAttributes = false