*/ $sections['Element'] = array( 'descr' => 'These examples show how to create forms with the main patForms API, as well as how to use elements on their own.', 'basename' => 'example_element_', 'pages' => array( 'string' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'String', 'descr' => 'Simple text input field element.' ), 'text' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Text', 'descr' => 'Simple multiline text input field element. It also validates against tags. They may allow all or some tags and/or deny all or some tags. Please note, that the "deniedtags" attribute has priority. Try different combinations with empty attributes, "*" and comma-separated tag-lists', ), 'number' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Number', 'descr' => 'Simple number input field element.', ), 'hidden' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Hidden', 'descr' => 'Probably the simplest of all form elements: the hidden input field.' ), 'date' => array( 'state' => 'Beta', 'title' => 'Date', 'descr' => 'Powerful date input element that can generate text input elements or select boxes from a date format string. Just specify the date format, and the date element displays a form element for each part of the date format, including any time information. TIP: Try changing the presets attribute to \'yes\'', ), 'set' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Set', 'descr' => 'Set element with auto-sizing feature that will automatically adjust the size of the select box to the amount of entries in the box. Also has the possibility to set min/max amount of entries that have to be selected.', ), 'pool' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Pool', 'descr' => 'Pool element - like the Set element but with different user interface for data input.', ), 'pool_multi' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Pool (multi)', 'descr' => 'Pool element - multiple sets in one form are also possible as the javascript for each element is bound to the element.', ), 'switch' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Switch', 'descr' => 'Simple checkbox element', ), 'switchgroup' => array( 'state' => 'Devel', 'title' => 'Switch Group', 'descr' => 'Checkbox group element that can generate a list of checkboxes like the Set element. Also has data source support to be able to retreive elements list dynamically from an external source.', ), 'enum' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Enum', 'descr' => 'Select box element with data source support to be able to retreive box elements list dynamically from a datasource, which can be a function or a method of an existing class. Also supports advanced options like auto-sizing.', ), 'enum_optgroup' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Enum (optgroup)', 'descr' => 'Select box element with data source support to be able to retreive box elements list dynamically from a datasource, which can be a function or a method of an existing class. Also supports advanced options like auto-sizing.', ), 'combobox' => array( 'state' => 'Alpha', 'title' => 'Combobox', 'descr' => 'Combobox, that works with and without javascript.', ), 'radio' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Radio Button', 'descr' => 'Radiobutton element that can serialize a single radiobutton element.', ), 'radiogroup' => array( 'state' => 'Stable', 'title' => 'Radio Group', 'descr' => ' Radiobutton group element that can generate a list of radiobuttons like the Enum element. Also has data source support to be able to retreive elements list dynamically from an external source.', ), 'file' => array( 'state' => 'Beta', 'title' => 'File', 'descr' => 'Advanced File upload field that uses sessions to store file data and makes handling uploaded files very easy. User only needs to upload files once - if other elements in the form are not valid, the uploaded files will be kept in a cache until the form can be finalized.', ), 'group' => array( 'state' => 'Beta', 'title' => 'Group', 'descr' => 'The group element enables you to group several form elements together and even set a custom renderer for the group to create form output with fieldsets, for example.', ), ) ); ?>