Add i18n modules"; // Internal $moduleConf = array(); echo 'add Module: Internal
' . print_r( $moduleConf, true ) . '
'; patI18n::addModule( 'Internal', $moduleConf ); // Gettext $moduleConf = array( 'domain' => 'patI18n', 'domains' => array('patForms'), 'database' => 'pat', 'host' => 'localhost', 'user' => 'gerd', 'password' => 'gerd123', 'tablemsg' => 'i18nmsg', 'tabletrans'=> 'i18ntrans' ); echo 'add Module: MySQL
' . print_r( $moduleConf, true ) . '
'; if (isset($_GET['insert'])) { echo "

Insert Messaged

\n"; $m = patI18n::createModule('MySQL', $moduleConf); /** @var $m patI18n_module:MySQL */ $id = $m->addMsg('Hello World!'); $m->addTranslation($id, 'Hallo Welt', 'de'); $id = $m->addMsg('Translate this massage using MySQL.'); $m->addTranslation($id, 'Übersetze diese Nachricht mit MySQL', 'de'); $id = $m->addMsg('Another message to translate with MySQL.'); $m->addTranslation($id, 'Eine weitere Nachricht die mit MySQL übersetzt wird', 'de'); $id = $m->addMsg('MySQL translate me, please!'); $m->addTranslation($id, 'MySQL, bitte übersetz mich', 'de'); $id = $m->addMsg('MySQL translate us, please!', $id); $m->addTranslation($id, 'MySQL, bitte übersetz uns', 'de', 2); exit(0); } patI18n::addModule('MySQL', $moduleConf); echo "
"; echo "

Set current locale

"; // set language to de_DE patI18n::setLocale( 'de_DE' ); echo "
"; echo "

Translate string of the default domain

"; echo patI18n::gettext('Translate this massage using MySQL.'), '
'; echo patI18n::gettext('Another message to translate with MySQL.'), '
'; echo patI18n::gettext('Sometimes there is no translation at all!' ), '
'; echo patI18n::ngettext('MySQL translate me, please!', 'MySQL translate us, please!', 1 ), '
'; echo patI18n::ngettext( 'MySQL translate me, please!', 'MySQL translate us, please!', 7 ), '
'; echo "
"; echo "

Translate strings of patForms domain

"; echo patI18n::dgettext( 'patForms', 'patForms is translated in MySQL, as well' ), '
'; echo patI18n::dgettext( 'patForms', 'Some text in patForms are not translated in MySQL' ), '
'; echo patI18n::dngettext( 'patForms', 'There is one MySQL patForms validation error', 'There are some MySQL patForms validation errors', 1 ), '
'; echo patI18n::dngettext( 'patForms', 'There is one MySQL patForms validation error', 'There are some MySQL patForms validation errors', 7 ), '
'; ?>