* @copyright 2004/2005 by gERD Schaufelberger * @package wombatSite * @subpackage test **/ include_once '../include/wbFactory.php'; wbFactory::configure(); /* $cf =& wbFactory::singleton( 'wbContentFetcher' ); $html = $cf->fetchHtml( 'example://foo/bar' ); echo "Example: " . $html . "
"; $html = $cf->fetchHtml( 'date://%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ); echo "Date: " . $html . "
"; $html = $cf->fetchHtml( 'blogger://blog/first' ); echo "Blogger: " . $html . "
"; */ $cm =& wbFactory::singleton( 'wbContentManager' ); $title = 'AnotherTest'; $author = 1; $content = <<date://%H:%M:%S

Foo Bar

This is normal Text! There is no reason to thing otherwise...

Let's try to insert some stupud dynmaic date://%H:%M:%S FOO content

This is normal Text! date://%c for example

Foo Bar

Foo Bar

Foo Bar
HERE WE GOlink://path/home/ Text! link://http/www.google.com|search/Search The Google n to thing otherwise...

Let's try to insert some stupud dynmaic date://%H:%M:%S FOO content

This is normal Text! date://%c for example


EOS; $cm->saveContent( $title, $content, $author ); $cm->activateDraft( $title ); $cm->setFetchmode( 'xml' ); $con = $cm->getContent( $title ); echo '


' .nl2br( htmlspecialchars( $con['content'] ) ); //$cm->saveContent( $title, $con['content'], $author ); //$cm->activateDraft( $title ); wbDebugger::printMsg(); ?>