********************************************************** install.txt $Id$ @author gERD Schaufelberger @copyright 2004/2005 Wombat Web Bench @link http://wombat.exit0.net @package wombat @subpackage manual ********************************************************** INSTALLATION ============ 0) Read about the requirements! See requirement.txt for further information. 1) Get Wombat There are several options to get Wombat. - from Subversion Repository - from archive like tar.bz2 or zip - as debian package - as PEAR package ? Well, actually, there is only one way to get Wombat - which makes it an easy choice. :-( 1.1) Get Wombat from the Subversion Server The repository is located at: https://gerd.exit0.net/svn/wombat The current developing version can be found in "trunk". If you prefere to download a taged version or a special branch - those can be found in "tags" respective "branches". Let's say you are living on the edge, hence you want to play with the latest developing version of wombat. Then go to the directory of your choice (e.g. your private public_html folder woulb be a good choice) and checkout Wombat. Linux users may want to enter some command lines: $ cd ~/public_html $ svn checkout https://gerd.exit0.net/svn/wombat/trunk wombat Windows users must perform a combibation of left and right clicks to reach a point where they can enter the URL mentioned above. :-) 2) Make sure! If this is the first time you install Wombat, you should keep it simple and stupid (KISS). In other words, you will run the framework AND the concrete site in the same directory. This is how Wombat comes out of the box. Still, a few things need to be arranged or at least, make sure, that they are already arranged properly. - check file ownership and permissions - run Wombat make 2.1) Check Permissions The wrong file permissions will result in errors, because Wombat needs write access to some files and folders. Well, checking file permissions and ownership can be a mess, but Wombat framework comes with a tool that does most things for you: wombatmake. Still, you must own the whole directory tree and all the files and folder must be writeable by you! Usually, this is the case anyway. If not, the following commands may help: Change ownership of files - this mey only be done by root! $ chown -R : wombat Add write permissions for owner $ chmod -R u+rw wombat Allow user to enter directories $ find wombat -type d -exec chmod u+x {} \; Wombatmake can be found in "bin/wombatmake". As a script, it must be marked as exeutable, as well. If this is not the case, add X-flags with: Add executable flag to wombatmake $ chmod u+x wombat/bin/wombatmake There is also a batch-file for Windows users, called "wombatmake.bat". As Windows uses the file-extension ("bat" in this case) to decide whether a file is exeutable, this file don't need special permissions. 2.2) Run Wombat Make The make tool is located in bin/wombatmake. It is a PHP-CLI-Script and supposed to be executed as such. Windows users may want to execute bin/wombatmake.bat instead. If you don't have PHP-CLI, you can also use the web-frontend of Wombat Make. Unfortunatly, the web frontend is not written, so far... :-( 2.2.1) Linux users Before you run wombatmake, check the php-executable's path and adjust the first line of wombatmake, if neccesary. Where is php's binary? $ type php php is /usr/bin/php Check wombatmake's first line $ head -n 1 wombat/bin/wombatmake #!/user/bin/php Now run wombatmake $ wombat/bin/wombatmake --help Or just select a proper target $ wombat/bin/wombatmake install 2.2.2) Windows users The good news is: Windows users usually don't have to muck around with file permissions. The bad news is, the running webserver may be able to read or write any file. And the worst news is: Any stupid, damned PHP script may harm the whole server - either by accident or purpose. Still, it is recommended to use wombatmake, respective wombatmake.bat. As the batch-file is fairly simple (it basicly calls wombatmake), it shouldn't be a drama, if it does not work. A common problem may be, that PHP (php.exe) is not in %PATH%. To solv this problem, adjust %PATH% or the batch-file. If both don't suit your needs, just call wombatmake with php: Call wombatmake with php C:\www\wombat> php.exe bin/wombatmake 3) Switch debugger on As long as you are testing and developing your site, the build in debugger prints some useful information. If the debugger is off, you won't see anything. To switch on debugging features edit conf/config.php: conf/config.php -------------8<-------------8<-------------8<-------------8<------------ // switch debugger on wbFactory::setParam( 'debug', 1 ); -------------8<-------------8<-------------8<-------------8<------------ 4) Test surf Use your prefered browser and surf to the loaction where you expect wombat. As long as you stick to the "out-of-the-box" settings, the web site can found in wombat/htdoc The index.php will display a very simple and ugly test page! If debugger is on, there will be some debugging messages at the bottom of the page. 5) Do whatever you want. Now, the framework is up an running, but there is still heaps to do. What is left, is all this site-specific stuff: - create your page layout/design - create templats and add images, style-sheets etc to wombat/htdoc - adjust site config - fill in content; add pages Optional there is more - Use some modules - Setup the administration area - or get rid of it - implement site special extensions - create additional layouts - read the fine manual :-) More information about configuration and customisation can be found in the direcoty "config"