*/ $sections['Creator'] = array( 'state' => 'Dev', 'descr' => 'The patForms::Creator will provide easy-to-use interfaces to create forms from various sources, like a database table, an XML document, a CSV or INI file.', 'basename' => 'example_creator_', 'pages' => array( 'db' => array( 'title' => 'DB - Generic', 'descr' => 'This example shows how to create forms automatically by retrieving field information from the database. This is the generic vairiant that used PEAR::DB to get the field information - as this generic information set is quite limited, complex field types like Enums cannot be translated.' ), 'db_mysql' => array( 'title' => 'DB - MySQL', 'descr' => 'This example shows how to create forms automatically by retrieving field information from the database. This variant us optimized for MySQL databases, and can generate more complex forms as it is possible to retrieve quite extensive field type information.' ), 'autosave' => array( 'title' => 'Autosave', 'descr' => 'This example shows that you can easily combine the creator with a storage object to enable the automatic saving of the generated form to the target table.' ), ) ); ?>