Install Testing_FIT

Piece of cake! Testing_FIT is a PEAR package, therefore installation is quite simple. Just use the PEAR installer and you are done:

$ pear install Testing_FIT-beta

You might have noticed the beta. This tells the PEAR installer to download and install a beta release. Unfortunately there is no stable version available, hence, there is no choice. Still, the beta-version in not too bad, therefore: give it a go.

Of course, you can always download the package from the PEAR download page

Check out the source

The source code is managed with Subversion. Thus it is fairly simple receive the current developer's code.

$ svn co testing_fit

The base URL of the repository is the repository layout follows some well known guidelines. Therefore you can find a sub directory: trunk, branches and tags at this URL. As you might know the trunk always holds the bleeding edge of development. This is where new features are implemented and bugs appear :-) The tags folder contains named revisions - usually, they are created at a special event or implement a special release. The branches are not used yet - though this folder is empty.